Indicators Project
The value of reporting valid and reliable performance indicators for Canadian mental health services has been widely acknowledged. Health indicators support health authorities and facilities as they monitor the health of their populations and track how well their health systems function. Relevant, accurate and timely performance information is critical for improving performance of health systems.
In September 2015, GBF initiated a project under the leadership of Dr. Elliot Goldner and the Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health and Addiction (CARMHA) at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver along with numerous other experts in mental health indicator construction across the country. A group of funders came together to finance the project to construct indicators across five provinces (Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia). The organizations funding the project included: the Graham Boeckh Foundation, RBC Foundation, Mental Health Commission of Canada, the Ontario Mental Health Foundation, the Echo Foundation and the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research. The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) provided in-kind support for the project.
The overall objective of the project was to create and report on five to ten important mental health indicators that could be compared across five Canadian provinces: Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. The five provinces were selected because they all had comparable province‐ level data on mental health services. The project was completed and the final report dated July 2017.